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Sponsor an All About Jazz Newsletter

Have an event, album or product to promote? Sponsor the weekly All About Jazz newsletter and target subscribers in your area or reach 82,000 consumers worldwide. As a trusted source for jazz online (25 years and going strong), our subscribers are highly engaged and their demographic is highly coveted. Consider them jazz superfans.

Specifications and Locations

Though subscriber counts vary by city, one constant remains: All About Jazz newsletter sponsors generate high volume ad impressions and clicks. We present a 728x90 pixel up to 1330x164 pixel banner (example) and include a short sentence of supportive text underneath it. Both banner and text appear at the top and at the bottom of each newsletter and are hotlinked to a page of a sponsor's choosing.

Frequency: weekly

The All About Jazz newsletter is sent every Thursday.

View a sample

To view a sample newsletter, visit the on demand newsletter page and click the green SELECT A CITY button.

The top of the newsletter looks like this...

Targeting locals

Our newsletter can target over 300 cities worldwide. For instance, a presenter in Minneapolis can target our Twin City subscribers while a presenter in New York can target our New York City subscribers.

To sponsor the All About Jazz weekly newsletter, go to our order page, select the target city or run of list, and check out.

Get more of a good thing!

Our weekly newsletter highlights our top stories, our special offers, and upcoming jazz events near you.